The hotel is in an ideal location for exploring the local area. Relax and take in the calming atmosphere or visit the Alps for some stunning views and scenery. The hotel ensures that your room is equipped for everything you need for leisure or for work. It includes a bar, 24-hour reception desk and a garden. Saint Martin d'Hères is located at the foot of the buttresses of the hills of Belledonne. This green city has ten parks and public gardens, more than 50 000 trees and a classified wood of 212 hectares called the hill of the Mulberry. It also has hiking trails and 10 km of cycle tracks. In the well designed rooms close attention to detail has been paid and whether you want to sleep, relax or work, you will be free to make the most of the peace and quiet. All rooms are ensuite and have all the modern amenities you will need. Everything is designed to give you a feeling of comfort, calm and efficiency.