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The hotel is situated inside the Collegio Gentile complex, which dates back to XVII century, when it was restored by the Roman architect Giuseppe Antolini (1784), but its origin is even more ancient. In 1408 its occupants included the Benedictine convents: St. Maria delle Vergini, St. Antonio da Padova, St. Stefano di Vallecena and San Tommaso di Bocetis. In 1784 it was a female orphanage run by nuns and in 1924 the Fratelli di Nostra Signora della Misericordia settled here (a Congregation founded in 1819 by Venerable Vittore Scheppers). On the 26th September 1997 an earthquake struck leaving the building complex unstable and interrupting all the activities of the Collegio. In the same year Industrie Merloni offered to restore it and on the 30th October 1999 the restoration was complete. Now a comfortable hotel with 50 fully furnished rooms, other facilities include: a little breakfast room, internal football pitch and a boules rink. From inside it is possible to access the artistic Church of the Fratelli di Nostra Signora della MisericordiaTraducción automática Texto original en
The hotel is situated inside the Collegio Gentile complex, which dates back to XVII century, when it was restored by the Roman architect Giuseppe Antolini (1784), but its origin is even more ancient. In 1408 its occupants included the Benedictine convents: St. Maria delle Vergini, St. Antonio da Padova, St. Stefano di Vallecena and San Tommaso di Bocetis. In 1784 it was a female orphanage run by nuns and in 1924 the Fratelli di Nostra Signora della Misericordia settled here (a Congregation founded in 1819 by Venerable Vittore Scheppers). On the 26th September 1997 an earthquake struck leaving the building complex unstable and interrupting all the activities of the Collegio. In the same year Industrie Merloni offered to restore it and on the 30th October 1999 the restoration was complete. Now a comfortable hotel with 50 fully furnished rooms, other facilities include: a little breakfast room, internal football pitch and a boules rink. From inside it is possible to access the artistic Church of the Fratelli di Nostra Signora della Misericordia
Das Hotel befindet sich im historischen Colegio Gentile Komplex, dessen Aufzeichnungen bis ins 17. Jahrhundert zurückreichen, wo es vom römischen Architekt Giuseppe Antolini restauriert wurde, aber seine Spuren reichen noch viel weiter zurück. Im 15. Jahrhundert diente es als Wohnhaus des Benediktinerordens, später als christliches Waisenhaus und 1924 siedelten sich die Brüder der Signora della Misericordia hier an. Am 26. September 1997 wurde das Gebäude durch ein Erdbeben erschüttert, was die Aktivitäten des Kollegs unterbrach. Nach einer umfangreichen Restaurierung wurde es 1999 als Hotel mit 50 Zimmern, einem Frühstücksraum und einem Fußballfeld im Hof wiedereröffnet.
ホテルはthe Collegio Gentile complexの内部に位置します。その建物はローマの建築家Giuseppe Antolini (1784)によって修復され、17世紀に建てられたましたが、その起源はさらにさかのぼります。1408年は、居住者はベネディクト修道院の方々を含みました。St. Maria delle Vergini, St. Antonio da Padova, St. Stefano di VallecenaやSan Tommaso di Bocetis.などの方々です。1784年には、女性の孤児院が修道女によって運営され、1924年にはthe Fratelli di Nostra Signora della Misericordiaがここに建てられました(Venerable Vittore Scheppersによって1819年に設立されたCongregationです)。1997年9月26日に地震に襲われ、建物は不安定になり、Collegioのすべての活動が中断されました。同じ年にIndustrie Merloniが建物の修復を申し出て、1999年10月30日に修復は完成しました。現在、この快適なホテルには50の家具を備えたお部屋がございます。その他の設備として、小さなブレックファーストルーム、インドアのサッカー場、boules rinkを備えております。ホテル内から“Fratelli di Nostra Signora della Misericordia”の芸術的な教会へ足をお運びいただけます。