
Hotel De L'abbaye

Cotes-d'Armor,  France

Phone: +(33) 0296840501 Fax: +(33) 0296843288

Price: 36 - 91 € (Average)

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The hotel de l'Abbaye is an old convent of 1843 to which a building “Chateaubriant” in 1991 was added. The Hotel has a swimming pool, two courts of tennis, a sauna and a large garden. The restaurant “the 18.43” proposes a traditional kitchen with the colors and savours of Brittany. The hotel and the restaurant are open every day, all the year. The master words of the team of the Abbey are: service and availability.

  • Rooms:
  • Telephone
  • Television
  • Work Desk
Hotel De L'abbaye 12 Rue Marie-Paule Salonne Cotes-d'Armor 22130 France