Located in La Richardais, this hotel is close to the sea, and a short journey from both Dinard and Saint Malo. Offering simple, clean accommodation, this hotel offers quality services, comfort and good value for money. Useful services such as internet access, a restaurant, bar and terrace, will prove convenient for both leisure and business travellers. Use the hotel as a starting point for many delightful walks around La Richardais, where you can sit and take in the views with your feet dipped in the cool water. In our well designed rooms we pay the closest attention to detail and whether you want to sleep, relax or even work, you will be free to make the most of the peace and quiet. All rooms are en suite and have all the modern amenities you will need. Everything is designed to give you a feeling of comfort, calm and efficiency.原文は次の言語でご覧頂けます。 原文は次の言語でご覧頂けます。
Located in La Richardais, this hotel is close to the sea, and a short journey from both Dinard and Saint Malo. Offering simple, clean accommodation, this hotel offers quality services, comfort and good value for money. Useful services such as internet access, a restaurant, bar and terrace, will prove convenient for both leisure and business travellers. Use the hotel as a starting point for many delightful walks around La Richardais, where you can sit and take in the views with your feet dipped in the cool water. In our well designed rooms we pay the closest attention to detail and whether you want to sleep, relax or even work, you will be free to make the most of the peace and quiet. All rooms are en suite and have all the modern amenities you will need. Everything is designed to give you a feeling of comfort, calm and efficiency.
Situé à La Richardais, cet hôtel se trouve près de la mer, de Dinard et de Saint-Malo. Il offre un hébergement simple et propre, des services de qualité et un bon rapport qualité prix. Un accès Internet, un restaurant, un bar et une terrasse sont disponibles. L'hôtel convient aux voyageurs d'affaire et de loisir. Vous pourrez vous promener autour de La Richardais, profiter de la vue et vous tremper les pieds dans l'eau froide. Notre Hôtel dispose de chambres confortables et parfaitement équipées où tout est fait pour procurer détente, liberté mais également efficacité si vous venez en voyage d'affaires. Toutes sont parfaitement équipées avec salle de bain ainsi que tous les agréments modernes dont vous aurez besoin pour rendre votre séjour le plus agréable possible.