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On the eastern shore of Lake Garda, in a vast natural amphitheatre, among vineyards and cypress, lemon and olive trees, the hotel stands in one of the most beautiful and picturesque areas of the lake, a valley sheltered by Punta S.Vigilio and Rocca di Garda with a magnificent view of the bay. This scenic gulf setting has inspired a precious treasure chest of stories and legends sung by poets and depicted by painters. Hotel Poiano is surrounded by 60 hectares of vegetation and just 2 km away from the historic centre of Garda, with its narrow streets, colourful squares and modern boutiques.Traducción automática Texto original en
On the eastern shore of Lake Garda, in a vast natural amphitheatre, among vineyards and cypress, lemon and olive trees, the hotel stands in one of the most beautiful and picturesque areas of the lake, a valley sheltered by Punta S.Vigilio and Rocca di Garda with a magnificent view of the bay. This scenic gulf setting has inspired a precious treasure chest of stories and legends sung by poets and depicted by painters. Hotel Poiano is surrounded by 60 hectares of vegetation and just 2 km away from the historic centre of Garda, with its narrow streets, colourful squares and modern boutiques.
Sie wohnen am östlichen Ufer des Gardasees inmitten eines weitläufigen natürlichen Amphittheaters und eingerahmt von Zypressen, Zitronen- und Olivenbäumen. Genießen Sie von dem Tal zwischen der Punta San Virgilio und der Rocca di Garda auf die Bucht die beeindruckende Aussicht hier in einer der schönsten Gegenden dieser Region. Diese malerische Kulisse inspirierte bereits zahlreiche Dichter und Maler. 60 ha Natur umgeben das Hotel Poiano. Nur 2 km trennen Sie von der Altstadt Gardas mit ihren schmalen Straßen, den farbenfrohen Plätzen und modernen Geschäften.
当館はガルダ湖の東側沿岸に位置しており、周辺にはブドウ園やイトスギ、レモン、オリーブの木々が生い茂る広大な盆地の中にございます。当館は湖畔で最も美しく絵になる地区の1つに位置しており、Punta S.VigilioやRocca di Gardaなどの岬や沿岸の素晴らしい景色をご覧いただけます。 この絵のように美しい沿岸の環境は、詩人や画家によっても多くの作品として残されてきました。当館は周辺を60ヘクタールに及ぶ菜園に囲まれており、小道やカラフルな広場、モダンなブティックなどのあるガルダの歴史地区中心部からはわずか2kmです。