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The complex of Santa Maria della Pace is placed in Botinaccio, a place where the Frescobaldi family, lords of Castiglioni, had several properties inherited from the Guidi. After a miraculous apparition of Virgin Mary an oratory was built and managed by Franciscan friars. This place of devotion has been enlarged in the course of the centuries, and has been recently restored to bring it back to its ancient beauty to create a graceful and comfortable place where visitors can spend their days.Traducción automática Texto original en
The complex of Santa Maria della Pace is placed in Botinaccio, a place where the Frescobaldi family, lords of Castiglioni, had several properties inherited from the Guidi. After a miraculous apparition of Virgin Mary an oratory was built and managed by Franciscan friars. This place of devotion has been enlarged in the course of the centuries, and has been recently restored to bring it back to its ancient beauty to create a graceful and comfortable place where visitors can spend their days.
Santa Maria della Paceの施設は、Botinaccioにございます。カスティリョーニの領主フレスコバルディ家がグイーディから引き継いだ所領地となておりましたた。聖母マリアの秘蹟の後、小さな礼拝堂が聖フランシス修道士によって建てられ、運営されておりました。この恵み深い場所は何世紀も経つにつれて拡大し、近年には改装され、かつての美しさを取り戻しました。そして今では、当ホテルは優雅で快適にご宿泊いただける場所となっております。