A beautiful 16th century summer residence, gives life to the Villa Zuccari hotel. Surrounded by the vineyards of Montefalco, this enchanting villa, which has been in the Zuccari family since centuries ago, embraces guests as soon as they arrive. Having been transformed into a Relais de charme, is an ideal place for peaceful holidays or relaxing stays. Large magnolia, high palms, enormous pines, are part of the villa’s lovely old plants. Beautifully landscaped gardens with roses, rosemary and oleanders can be seen from the guestrooms all bright and airy and differently decorated with its own distinguishing charming style and terraces. There are various room types (thirty four rooms in total), including double rooms (Classic, Superior and Deluxe), Suites and Junior Suites. Walk through the old garden accented by a large, simple fountain, among the scent of rosemary hedges, or simply take sun around the swimming pool. Discover the 19th-century terra cotta tile ceiling, brought to light during the long, painstaking restoration which enhances the light and airy reception room. At the dining room, now, what used to be the place where grapes were treaded, enjoy simple, traditional cooking with homemade pasta and splendid legume and grain soups.Traduction automatique Texte original disponible en
A beautiful 16th century summer residence, gives life to the Villa Zuccari hotel. Surrounded by the vineyards of Montefalco, this enchanting villa, which has been in the Zuccari family since centuries ago, embraces guests as soon as they arrive. Having been transformed into a Relais de charme, is an ideal place for peaceful holidays or relaxing stays. Large magnolia, high palms, enormous pines, are part of the villa’s lovely old plants. Beautifully landscaped gardens with roses, rosemary and oleanders can be seen from the guestrooms all bright and airy and differently decorated with its own distinguishing charming style and terraces. There are various room types (thirty four rooms in total), including double rooms (Classic, Superior and Deluxe), Suites and Junior Suites. Walk through the old garden accented by a large, simple fountain, among the scent of rosemary hedges, or simply take sun around the swimming pool. Discover the 19th-century terra cotta tile ceiling, brought to light during the long, painstaking restoration which enhances the light and airy reception room. At the dining room, now, what used to be the place where grapes were treaded, enjoy simple, traditional cooking with homemade pasta and splendid legume and grain soups.
Dieses große Landhaus, umgeben den Weinbergen von Montefalco, ist der Wohnsitz von der Familie Zuccari seit dem Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts. Der gegenwärtiger Inhaber, Paolo Zuccari, hat es in ein entspannendes Relais de Charme, mit einem 40 Hekar großem Park und wunderschoenen großen Swimmingpool umgewandelt. Es gibt verschiedene Zimmerkategorien (vierundreißig Zimmer insgesamt), einschließlich der Doppelzimmer (Classic,Superior, Deluxe), Suiten und Juniorsuiten, die alle sehr geräumig sind mit eigenen Badezimmer und große Terrassen. Im eigenen traditionellen Restaurant können Sie die einfache, traditionelle Umbrische Küche mit selbstgemachten Teigwaren und herrlichen Kornsuppen genießen, die von den ausgezeichneten und berühmten Weinen Montefalco Rosso oder Sagrantino DOCG begleitet werden.
美しい16世紀のサマーレジデンスがVilla Zuccariに息づいております。モンテファルコのブドウ園に囲まれた当ホテルは何世紀にも渡ってZuccari家が住み続けたヴィラで、ホテルにご到着なさればすぐに魅惑的な雰囲気につつみこまれます。今ではRelais de charmeに生まれ変わり、平穏な休日やおくつろぎのお時間をお過ごしいただける理想的な場所となっております。大きなモクレンや背の高いヤシ、大きな松などの古く美しい植物が繁っております。また全室が明るくさわやかで、しかも魅力的なスタイルで美しく個性的に飾られ、テラスも備えております。さらにバラやローズマリー、キョウチクトウのある美しい庭の景色もご覧いただけます。合計34室のお部屋には様々なタイプがあり、ダブルルーム(クラシック、スーペリア、デラックス)、スイート、ジュニア・スイートなどがございます。ローズマリーの生垣の香りにつつまれ、素朴で大きな泉のある古い庭園でのお散歩や、のんびりとしたスイミングプールでの日光浴などをお楽しみいただけます。19世紀のテラコッタ・タイルの天井もご覧くださいませ。それは長い時間と労力をかけた改装によって明るくさわやかなレセプション・ルームの魅力をより一層高めております。かつてはブドウが踏み潰されていた場所は今では、ダイニング・ルームとなっており、手作りのパスタや見事なマメ料理、穀物のスープといった素朴で伝統的なお料理をお召し上がりいただけます。