
Rustic House Casa Vella

Vimbodí,  Spain

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Having a rustic design this rural cottage in heart of nature, it provides the standard services of a hotel of its category. go thinking of what to spend the money you save by staying here on. If you are looking to experience the authenticity of the place, its streets, and wants to visit its undiscovered corners, this establishment will offer you the perfect location for it and The ideal establishment to escape and to take a brake as well as the perfect option to visit all the attractions of the city. The spirit of nature dwells in this place, which knows no limit other than the blue horizon.  A sky to consider whilst you meditate.

Rustic House Casa Vella
carrer Major, 4 (43430) - Vimbodí (Spain)


Rustic House Casa Vella carrer Major, 4 Vimbodí 43430 Spain